Thursday, November 10, 2011

A trip down memory lane

So, since today is my birthday I thought I would be a little self-indulgent and post pictures of my much younger self.

(Ok, let's be honest....when is this blog NOT self indulgent?)


Here's me about.....oh, 7 I spose.  Note the rockin' Smurf shirt.

My Grandma Hanson and I.  I don't remember her because she passed away when I was 2.
I'm mainly posting this because you can see the light-up picture of Jesus on the wall behind us....see the cord running down?? 
And REALLY....who DOESN'T need a light-up picture of Jesus?

Here's me and my brother and sisters.
I'm only posting this because I look so darn cute....and my brother is in a powder blue suit....

One of my favorite pictures....I've probably posted this before.
My dog, Muskie and my cat, Gizmo.
The cat tormented that poor dog every day they were alive. :)

Ahhh, my favorite spot.
My parents still live in this house - but I can no longer sleep in the linen closet.


Anonymous said...

I love that smurf shirt you always wore, and the pic of you and Grandma Hanson, love it. she was quite the woman. I really miss her. she had the longest hair always in a braided bun, don't think she cut her hair much at all. and I currently have the old time metal crimpers she put in her hair every night.

Happy Birthday again Deb. hope it was a great day.


Anonymous said...

Gizmo looks a lot like Buzz. I remember light up Jesuses too.
Lovely collection of pics... I liked the four of you best.
