Friday, January 10, 2014

Not too cold

Hans and I finally were able to go for a walk this morning - it had been a while.  It's in the 20's here which made it seem so nice out!  Even though there is no sun and everything is cloudy, it was so much warmer.  So when we got back to the house I was even able to pick up the dog poop in the front yard.  I know, I know - it's a glamorous life I lead.

The kids had a short week this week - only 3 days.  It seemed harder to go to school on Wednesday after being off those two days than it did last week when we went back after the holiday break!  They have a full week next week and then are off a day the following week.  It's kind of nice to have a few shorter weeks in there for them because February is usually a long month (oddly enough).

I get to go to school today to do "Book Nook."  I read 5-6 books that I bring from home to the kids before lunch.  It's always fun to see them enjoy books that we read ALL the time at home and are our favorites or see them get so excited because they have the same book at home. 

Katie started choir at school yesterday morning.  She decided to join the optional 4th/5th grade choir at school.  They get to do fun things throughout the rest of the year like touring other schools to sing or sing the National Anthem at basketball games. Her rehearsals are at 7:45 which means we have to get up a little earlier than usual, but I'm sure we'll get used to it. 

Work has been going well - it's getting a little easier to communicate back and forth with my boss.  It certainly helps if I can get away to run on the treadmill for a half hour or so.  It's not a daily routine, but I'm trying to squeeze it in 2-3 times a week.  I have this whiney voice in my head that gets going every once in a while and all it says over and over again is "I'm so busy......I'm too busy.....I'm so tired......." etc.  Do we all have a voice like that?  Looking for excuses?  Some people's voice isn't just in their head and instead this stuff spews out of their mouth.

Then my much louder voice shouts back "Too bad!  It's tough all over!  Deal with it!  Just do it, then it'll be done!"  That usually works really well. 

What's that?  You want a Friday Funny?  Ok.  Quit whining.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cat/statue/book photo was funny. Cats can be so dimly impatient.

Don't listen too much to that voice in your head. Jim says it's the one that comes through your fillings that you really have to worry about.
