Sunday, February 12, 2012

Florida Vacation....

Good grief - where do I start?  We got home last night after spending 6 days in sunny Florida....well, partly cloudy Florida.  The weather was funny - it literally would change every 10 minutes.  It would go from sunny clear skies to partly cloudy, to fully cloudy, and back to clear again within an hour it seemed.  Overall I think we had great weather.  It rained when we got down there Monday afternoon - in fact, the airplane couldn't land at first because of the wind, so we had to go back up and circle around again. 

So, I've been thinking about how I should cover our trip on here, and I think I'm going to take Katie's idea and do a post per Florida day....with an extra post here and there if I have too many pictures.  If nothing else, it will be a reminder for us about what we did each day.

And though I can remember WHERE we ate....can't remember WHAT we ate at each place so here's a summary.....the kids survived on a menu of hot dogs, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets and pizza.  John and I ate some yummy seafood over the week which included crab, grouper, mahi mahi, raw oysters, tuna, shrimp, and some others that I'm forgetting.  It's a good thing I didn't take my fish oil vitamins along because I obviously didn't need them!

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