Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Star of the week

This week Katie is "Star of the Week" at preschool. That means she gets to bring snacks for everyone, we have to make play dough to bring to school, and she gets to bring 2 things that are special to her to show to the class. Basically, it's just a lot more work for me. :) We did get to make play dough for the first time Monday night. That was a first for me. I'm glad we did it while John was home though because you really need some arm muscle.

We also worked on getting our Christmas picture done. I try to do it myself every year, and so far so good. With two kids it's a bit more complicated, but I think I did it. I have a few good ones that I am not using, so I thought I would post one of them. It appears that we took this while we were peaking from a sugar rush. :)


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

Will says "I LOVE sugar, mommy!"

That's a cute pic. Good luck with the play dough!!

Anonymous said...

My little dears just get cuter every day. Think maybe I better get used to sugar before Christmas,Hahahaha. Oh I'll keep up to them somehow. Love Mom