Saturday, August 27, 2011

Not for the squeamish.....or my niece, Sarah.

Here's who's renting space right outside our front door.....

The pictures don't do it's bigger than a quarter....and has the MASSIVE web that stretches from the roof and gutters down to our front bushes and over to our porch railing.  We had storms and winds one night this week.  I woke up, looked out side and didn't see the web or spider.  By the following morning, everything was back.  John says "she" has a big egg sac full of babies too....but I think he's just trying to freak me out. (And it's working.)  Normally, I'd say the web and spider have to go - cuz the kids run all around and might run through the web, plus everyone that comes to our door sees it....and I'm NOT crazy about spiders.

But then again, these are the insects we deal with in MN.....

And anything that's gonna eat this.....I may have to consider a friend.

Note: All 3 pictures were taken within 15 minutes!  One at the front door, one at the back!  AND if you think that web in the front yard is something...we have a matching one in the back under the porch stretching almost the entire width of the porch....same kind of spider.  Oh, and she DOES have an egg sac.

Now.  Who's coming to visit!


Anonymous said...

We are on Tuesday :)


Anonymous said...

Spiders love company!

Anonymous said...

omg, I guess I will settle for the ants. I would get the heck out now, I hate bugs......