Thursday, August 11, 2011

Will's T-ball Team

Will is finishing up his t-ball season, and it was as entertaining as we thought it would be.  The ages of his teammates ranged from 4-6...but were mostly closer to the 4 end.  No matter how far the ball was hit or how beautiful the day was, nothing was more exciting to the kids than the gravel on the field or the snack and juice that came at the end of practice.

At the beginning of T-ball, John offered to help coach because they were really hard up for help.  He figured he'd just be a "helper", but he quickly turned into the only coach...with only 1 other dad helping occasionally. 

Will's team....The Red Dragons.  He's on the far right....and there's Katie hidden behind the fence.

Watching John work with the entire team - doing warm ups, stretching, working on catching, throwing, batting, etc. was such a treat for me.  I guess once you get older, and especially after you've had kids - the things you find attractive in a partner change a little bit, or at least expand to include things you wouldn't have included 10 years ago. 
For example....
John in a nice suit and tie = really attractive.  
John washing dishes = just as attractive.

John playing with Katie and Will in the backyard = very cute. 
John taking time to work with kids on Will's team = heartwarming AND cute. 

(*Please note - I use the terms "cute" and "attractive" as opposed to "hot" and "sexy" because my mother-in-law reads this blog, and I'd like to still look her in the eye.  But be advised they are totally interchangeable.) :)

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