Sunday, May 31, 2009

What is it with Dad?

Seriously. What IS it with Dad? This weekend - like any other weekend, Will wants as little to do with me as possible. :) Dad's home! And after weeks and weeks of either running around traveling or John having to work weekends, we are home doing nothing. The kids are reveling in Dad's presence.

This is Will and John outside this afternoon. Taking it easy, no worries. John would lean back on his hands. Will would lean back on his hands. John would sit forward. Will would follow. And on and on.

While Will was taking a nap I asked Katie if she would want to go to the Party Store to get invitations for her birthday party and maybe some other decorations.

"No, I'll stay here with Dad."
"Did you hear where Mom was going, Katie? The Party Store."
"Yeah, that's ok. I'd rather stay home with Dad."

Umm...ok. :)


Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful entry. You are all very fortunate people.

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet, I love the pictures! We had a very similar weekend, Noah wouldn't let me get him out of his crib in the morning or after nap... it had to be Daddy!


Heather said...

cute pic!

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking how lucky these kids are to have a mother who is home so they can get bored with her.