Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dream drama

Don't you hate it when you have a pretty involved dream.....a bad dream actually and the people in it make you so mad that you wake up angry?  And you just want to say "So what the hell was THAT last night?"  But you know that they would stare at you blankly and assume you're crazy.

That was my dream last night.  I dreamt that John left me for some chippee in Decorah, but he wasn't telling me about her - just that he wanted out of our house.  Pleasant, huh?  So then I visit his apartment in Decorah and found remnants of a girl being there.  Talk about a nightmare!  I kept waking up, tossing and turning - then going back to this stupid dream - all. night. long.  I was never so glad to get up in the morning. 

So as John came down the stairs, getting ready for work - it was all I could do to keep from yelling "Who was she?!"  Again...I stopped myself because I knew I'd get the blank stare and the assumption that I had left for crazy town.

As far as dream interpretation goes, this probably means I want a puppy or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have those kinda dreams too! When I get up I always (jokingly) ask him if she was really worth it and of course his response was "what did i do now!". Just have fun with it :)
