Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day

Happy May Day everyone!  We would make May Day baskets for our neighbors, but it sounds like they'd be full of snow tonight anyway.  Ugh.  We are supposed to get 3 inches on the low end.....up to 7 or 8 on the high end, with some close to 10.  I don't know what to believe, but I honestly can't imagine anything over 3.  A lot will melt right away, but I'm sure it's going to be the wet, heavy stuff that is so impossible to shovel.  And yes, we are back in the 70's next week, but then after that - who knows.  It seems we have to have a snow storm once a week, no matter what.  This morning Will asked if it would be snowing on his birthday in July.

I should be painting right now.  I have plans to finish painting the rest of the bedroom today - and it will happen...just not right now.  I had to finish up some work for the non-profit I'm with and a big fundraising project I'm in charge of at Katie's school is wrapping up this week so that has been taking some time too.  I also have my last night of teaching Katie's weekly church class tonight so I've had to get some goodie bags ready to hand out.  That class has been a lot of fun - 8, 3rd graders.  Last week we talked about miracles.  What are they?  Do they really happen?  Did they really happen as the Bible says?  If they do happen, why don't they happen for everyone?  It was a heavy discussion, let me tell you - with a LOT of "I don't know" 's on my part. 

Ok - time to paint.
Well, Will comes home in like 15 I'll wait, and THEN paint.

Well, I have to go get "Pebbles" from school at 11:45, come home and THEN paint.

Well....then the kids will need to eat lunch, so I'll fix lunch and THEN paint.

Well....I spose "Pebbles" has to go down for a nap after lunch so I'll do that THEN paint.

Yeah, that's right.

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