Katie got to go shopping last week and spend a few dollars of her birthday $ along with birthday bucks from the toy store. This is what she BEGGED for. :) Note the shorter hair!!
And because Will is never more than a few steps behind...
Will wanted in the action too. It was hard keeping him in one place. He saw those soccer balls and wanted to go get one!
We were HOT after soccer so we found the baby pool and threw some water in it. Will was WAY excited. Katie kept getting angry because he was splashing her. We finally had to get out because Will kept leaning over and laying face first in the water. :) I think he was trying to 'drink' it.
One side of the garden is growing strawberries and some type of lettuce. (Here from the previous owner.) In the far corner I planted some wildflower seeds to finish off the space.
These are the rows of carrots, peas and beans. There is also a tomato plant and a green pepper plant.
And because corn is priced so high, we thought we would add that to our crop mix too. :) I have two whole stalks starting to grow. :)
Baby Katie with cousin Sarah.
Either Katie was little or we had a huge remote. I think it was a little of both.
Here is Katie all decked out in her pads. She got a scooter, and is getting pretty good at it. No tears...yet. John backed the cars out of the garage and she likes riding it there.
Now I will toot my own horn - I decided to make Katie a cake myself. I made a double layer vanilla cake with fresh strawberries layered inside. Next time I will use even MORE strawberries (they were very good). Katie picked out the fish candies (on the side) and I decorated the rest. I think I have been watching too much Ace of Cakes on the Food Channel. :)
Katie and Noah sat VERY nicely at the little table to eat. Noah enjoyed his FIRST hot dog. :)
We ate our cake outside after supper. Well - the adults ate their cake...the kids decided that playing was more important. Here's Katie and Noah taking a milk break.
On Sunday, John helped Katie put together a bird house she got for her birthday. She wanted to paint it very badly. :) It turned out beautiful and will make some bird a very good house. It was a nice Father's Day activity for them to do. Katie and Will also made John a shirt for Father's Day that says "#1 Pop". They put their hand prints on it and Katie painted some pictures on it. :) Happy Father's Day!
Will and Katie had been 'fighting' over her trycicle one day so I brought up Katie's old push bike that she got a few years back. Will supprised us by sitting on it and pushing right off with his feet. He does really well on it!
The kids' birthdays are coming up in a few weeks and I had been looking for a picnic table for them. It feels like I have been looking FOREVER! I tried to catch a few on Craigslist, but they always got sold out from underneath me. So I broke down and ordered one. They were cheapest if I ordered directly from Little Tikes, so I did and it was delivered today. It's much too windy and nasty to spend any time on it outside, so for now it's inside. Will does pretty well sitting at it too - he hasn't fallen off yet anyway.