Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A true sign of summer

One true sign of summer is corn on the cob. I got some GREAT local corn on the cob at the store last week and we dined in the butter dripping goodness of it all. It was Will's first attempt at corn on the cob, and he was pretty excited when he saw it.

"COW!" he yelled once his plate hit the table.

"Yes, you feed corn to the cows?" Will's favorite activity is to feed corn cobs to the cow's at Grandma Mary's. And while he can't eat THAT corn, we wanted him to sink his teeth into the stuff on the table. It took a lot of convincing (he REALLY wanted to feed it to the cows), but finally he took the plunge and never looked back.


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

that cracks me up. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm hungry now!


Anonymous said...

Fresh corn?


the cows

Anonymous said...

Cow was one of Jim's first words.