Saturday, June 15, 2013

Birthday Party Haze

The guests have left and the house has been put back in order - pretty much.  Oh, and the dog and cat have been given free reign of the house again..

- made their own mini pizzas
- played tag outside
- made candy mold suckers
- decorated make-your-own puzzles
- decorated bandannas
- ate fruit pizza
- Katie opened presents
- played ninja
- watched The Princess Bride
- ate popcorn
- played toilet paper mummy (Thanks for the idea Anne!)
- played hide-and-go-seek
- made bracelets
- giggled

Some of these things I just had in my back pocket - just in case.  (mummy, puzzles, bandannas) And I'm glad I did because the "I'm bored" whining came way too early.  So there was plenty to do.  The noise level DID go down a bit when the male guests left, but then it seemed to creep back up again at times. 

We ended up with an even number of girls staying over (Katie and 3 guests) - remember me talking about that?  Well they are not kidding - even numbers are WAY better.  There were so many times when one girl would pull only one other girl aside and whisper or talk or whatever, and that's ok because there's 2 left.  But if there was only 1 left - that would have made for more drama I think.  And the one girl that kept pulling only one other girl aside comes from a home with 2 older sisters - 12 and 14.  She seemed to have a lot of "older" girl speech and game ideas. 

All in all it was a success.  Today Katie wants her ears pierced.  She's been talking about it for quite a while, and I'm ok with it - more so than John is I think.  All the girls here last night had their ears pierced and they were talking about it too.  I think we are going to do it this afternoon.  Maybe.

Does this look like a jumbled mess? 
I hope so - cuz that's what I was going for.

That mummy on the left is Katie.

Katie and her friends...and Will. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered about Will...either he would turn his nose up at the girls or be right there with them! Glad all went well and the ears look I know what to get her for her birthday :)
