Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Can you tell who is who?

The other day I was looking for my 3rd grade picture so that I could tell Katie whether or not I had pierced ears in 3rd grade.  Turns out I did.  So I got mine pierced at the beginning of 3rd grade, when I was 8.

Then we noticed how similar our mouths looked.  I thought it would be fun to see if you could pick out who's belongs to who.




Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

Methinks that you are B!

Deb said...

Ahhh, good guess. And it's Shelley for the win!

Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

Is it sad that I know the contours of your mouth and the childhood gap in your teeth so well? Or is it that I'm really good at sussing out early 1980s pictures from their modern day components? ;-p