Friday, January 16, 2009

The Fam

Back in December we had our family picture taken at our church here in town. I got our free 8x10 last weekend and thought I would share that with you. So here's your one glance at the whole family together. Doesn't happen very often. :) Will was SO giggly. Every time the flash went off he laughed and laughed....and I'm talking BELLY laughs. :)

It's finally above zero here today. They never called off school for Katie this week. They rarely do - not a lot of buses having to travel off road I guess. I am in the process of filling out her paperwork for kindergarten. I need one last if YOU were Katie's birth certificate....where would you likely be? I can find Will's, but can't seem to locate Katie's...yet. It's not in her baby book, but that's the only place I have checked.


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

You guys are ridiculously gorgeous. Seriously.

If you were Katie's birth certificate, you'd be hiding in a desk drawer somewhere.

Deb said...

Hey...that's a good idea! Ummm....what if we don't have a desk drawer? Could it be YOUR desk drawer?? :)

Anonymous said...

very nice photo

the birth certificate is inside something that's tucked away somewhere behind something else and under the other thing. hope this helps.


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

You never know. :) I used to leave important documents with you.

Anonymous said...

Love the picture and yes you are one good looking family. and as far as the birth certificate goes, it is somewhere you least expect. do not look so hard, it is probably with Will's. Just an Idea, I have a file cabinet with all the documents in it.
hope you find it, didn't you need it for katie in preschool?
