Monday, January 19, 2009

Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow. You're only a day away...

It's almost here. Do you sense the excitement and anticipation? Tomorrow is Inauguration Day. We will have a new president and a place in history. I've been trying to explain it to Katie because she doesn't really understand WHY he isn't the real president yet. Good grief - the election was over 2 months ago! I also haven't explained that he is the first African American president. She doesn't really SEE differences like that - and I think I'd like to keep it that way for the time being. She has a great mix of cultures in her preschool class, and it's no big deal to her. So, if she isn't making a big deal about people's differences, why should I point them out to her and MAKE them an issue.

The bigger issue here is remembering who will NOT be president tomorrow. After approximately 2,922 days Bushie will finally be gone. Did you hear my sigh of relief? I don't agree with his policies, I don't approve of most of the people he surrounded himself with, and I don't think history will look back positively on his legacy.

I've heard over the last few years that people liked him because he was someone you could go have a beer with. Ugh. I never understood this thought process. I don't want MY president to have a beer with me. I don't want him to be some average Joe off the street. I don't want him to be my bar buddy. Our president should be the smartest, most eloquent guy in the room. I want him to be more intelligent about things than I am, and to be WAY too busy to have a beer with me. Here's the twist - he has to have compassion for other people and a sense of service to the people that elected him....or her as the case may be. :)

On another note - I haven't come across her birth certificate yet. I'm trying to think if we were even issued one. We got the certificate from the hospital, but it says right on there that it isn't an official document. When Will was born, I remember them asking me if I wanted the birth certificate. Is it possible that I didn't get one for Katie? In any case I'll have to call the government center tomorrow and see if I can get one. I never had to have proof of birth date for Katie's preschool - they just took my word for it.


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

I am having visions of high school thanks to the title of your blog. :)

Let me know if you need me to pick up Katie's birth certificate or if they'll just be able to send it to you.

Anonymous said...

Concerning Katier's birth cert. you should be able to get it from the courthouse in Rochester. That's where they all used to go.
I was born in Crawford County so mine was in PDC. I never had any other one or needed one till I got married. Weathr warmer here now but then anything would be warmer that 40 below! Love ya, Mom

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't forget the post about YOUR anniversary!!!! Don't see one yet! Also we never got a birth certificate when Sarah was born and had to get one when she went to kindergarten also. Good luck!!! Oh, I also heard on the radio that the skating rink in the park is now open, just in time for it to warm up!!!!