Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pardon me for a moment

Today is Thursday - a rainy, wet Thursday. The good news is that I raked almost constantly for the past 2 days...and I think I have most of the yard done. There is still an area on the side of the house that I would like to get cleaned up, but if I don't, I'm ok with that. We bagged up about 19 bags of leaves. We have a lot of trees.
So how are you feeling about the election? Relief? Let down?
I do feel relieved to have it over with first of all. I am also happy with the outcome of the presidential election. I think Obama and Biden will make a good team and surround themselves with positive, intelligent people. I think Obama is an honest, smart man whom I enjoy listening to. I can't say that about the current administration...I can barely even type it. It also seems that he genuinely loves his wife and will continue to be faithful to her. Does that mean he will be a good leader? No - but I appreciate the trait.
However, all across the country individual states passed some amendments that concern me. It seems that we may have taken 2 steps forward in the presidential election, yet taken 1 step backwards in some state elections. In California, Proposition 8 passed which bans gay marriage. In Arkansas, a bill passed that bans homosexuals from adopting children.
Here's my two cents in case you care. The whole gay marriage thing upsets me. Why SHOULDN'T they be allowed to marry? Is it going to affect my marriage? Is it going to affect yours? NO! If anything it will improve the divorce statistics. And as far as adoption goes - it's a sad time when there are so many children awaiting adoption and now there are good families that won't get a chance to love them. There are a lot of people in this world that need to devote more time and energy to THEIR OWN family, and less time trying to manage and control other people/families. I now step down from my soapbox.


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

Good for you, babe. I'm going to forward this to my buddy Paul who wrote something similar.

Paul said...

My good friend Shelley pointed me to your blog entry - as a gay man who hopes to get married and adopt kids someday, I appreciate your words!

Anonymous said...

Deb - I like this lots. I'm proud of you. I agree with you too.

Anonymous said...

Wow Deb, what a great post! As always, I really enjoyed reading this!
