Monday, November 24, 2008

Preschool Conferences

It's that time of year again...tonight we had a parent/teacher conference with Katie's teacher, Ms Laurie. No big surprises - they said she is a wonderful little girl, very kind to the other students, friendly, and independent in the classroom. We were happy to hear that she is asserting herself more and asking questions. Her teacher said that she is in the top tier of her class when it comes to things like handwriting, asking questions, and being able to express how she feels and why. Katie is off from school all this week. When she goes back next Monday she will have a different teacher - Ms. Erin, who is back from maternity leave.
We also had a checkup at the dentist today. A few weeks ago I noticed a spot on Katie's tooth that I didn't like. We were pretty sure it was a cavity, but wanted to get it checked out. So I took her in today and sure enough - it was a cavity. While examining her, the dentist found two other spots that she didn't like - the VERY beginnings of a they are going to put some sealants on there to make sure it doesn't turn into a cavity.
Luckily we caught her cavity early and they didn't need to use Novocaine to numb her. She did get the nitrous oxide, however. They sent Will and I out into the waiting room because they were going to do x-rays, and then they went ahead and filled the one tooth. I was told she was being pretty silly back there. She was out within 20 minutes and the nurses raved about how great she did. And she's excited to go back so no scarring done yet. :) But sure is hard for a mom to sit out in the darn waiting room!!!! So we are going to be a bit more aggressive in our flossing and brushing. She doesn't really eat many sweets, but they will REALLY be few and far between now.

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