Monday, March 23, 2009


Katie stayed home from school today. She has a cold - runny nose and a cough. She had a SLIGHT fever last night (99) and so I told her that she better not go to school. (Cue the tears) She was quite upset that she might miss something. I think that's a pretty good run though - 2 years of school and this is her first missed day because of being sick. And I still couldn't get her to take it easy. Finally, I let her watch TV downstairs on the couch as long as she stayed covered up. That worked for a while...and I think she is actually sleeping for her rest time too. But, ALERT: We've run out of Kleenex. John will have to pick some up on his way home. :)

While Katie was couch ridden, I turned on Sesame Street for us all to watch together. One sketch especially made me laugh. Oscar was being a news reporter and was trying to report all of the dirty garbage and ickiness that grouches love. However, he was constantly running into things that were nice and friendly. The scene changed to another grouch who was watching Oscar on TV and she said "Hmpf, I'm not watching this anymore - I'm gonna watch Fox News - now THERE's a trashy news show!" Go Sesame Street. :)

One reason the Kleenex ran low was because we went to the library last Thursday. Katie got the movie "Charlotte's Web." Now, keep in mind - we have seen this before AND we have read the book together. She even told me about the spider dying in the end before I popped the movie in for her. Awhile later I am getting Will a snack and I go down to see if Katie wants anything...she is in tears.

"Katie! What's wrong?!" I ask growing concerned.
"Who died?"
"Charlotte died!" She answers sobbing.

It really was adorable, even though she was clearly upset. We cuddled on the couch for a while and talked about how some of the spider's kids' stay in the barn so Wilber isn't too sad, etc. A few moments later she was able to enjoy her yogurt sans tears.

It's rainy up here today - another reason I'm glad to stay home today. I spent the morning washing the floors, cleaning out the closet and putting some winter stuff away. I've been toying with the idea of having a garage sale this spring...maybe in May. Am I crazy? Everyone should probably have a garage sale at least once in their lives. That way they can say "I'm never doing THAT again!" Making a mental checklist of everything that can go - books, Cd's, clothes, etc. I'm also thinking that Katie could be in charge of selling cookies or something like that. Now the trick is to get John to grab tables from work and to take a morning off some Friday in May to watch the kids. :) (Hint, Hint)

"Hang on sis - I'll get us out of here!"
As Will drives away from Chuckie Cheese a few weeks ago.


Anonymous said...

We hope that you feel better soon Katie! Now that it is finally feeling like spring might stay here, we will have to figure out a time to get together at a park or something and play outside.

Joe, Jamie and Noah

Deb said...

Yay! We would love that. Hopefully there are more 60+ days in our near future.

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon, Katie and I love Charlotte's Web to, and I also cried, you are just two cute kids, love the pic with Will driving, I will watch the kids, if you really need someone, I can come up there. just let me know.
