Thursday, March 12, 2009

Question of the week

I am submitting this question of the week while on, that is. We are in Owatonna, MN for a few days staying at a hotel and waterpark. The kids are having a good time, although naps are not going well....yet. I'll post soon about our trip...but some highlights are Will going pee on the potty, Katie and Will swimming (Will is a monster in the water!), and playing in the arcade. I get pictures on soon.

In the meantime....

What words do you hate? Are there some words that just rub you the wrong way? Leave a comment, leave your name or not....


Deb said...

Ok - I have two words that I HATE. I never say them and they have bugged me for a long time. Booby and panty. You will never hear me use'd be an odd conversation if I did, I guess. Other than that I don't like 'ain't', and I cringe when I am reading something that miss uses 'their' and 'there' or 'your' and 'you're'.

Anonymous said...

Dude, the "F" word, are just two that come to my mind quickly. I'm sure that there are more....


Anonymous said...

i don't like it when people miss use their and there and your and you're either, it bugs the crap out of me


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

Deb - you had me snort in laughter when I read your two least favorite words. I was laughing my arse off.

Denise - I love "dude." I sound like a 30-year-old idiot when I say that, but dude - I love that usage. (And once I called my boss dude ... very dumb of me, I know.)

I don't know if I have a word that drives me nuts ...

Anonymous said...

OK Shelley, dude is o.k. for the right situation. But let me clarify -- I hate it when Sarah calls me "dude" I tell her I'm not a dude "I'm mom!" :)


Drew Kluesner said...

i'm not a fan of the word "No" in most situations.

Anonymous said...

I always notice when people use the wrong pour/pore.

Cheryl said...

It really bugs me when people say borrowed when they should be saying loaned!