Thursday, January 14, 2010

A day in kindergarten

This morning I volunteered at Katie's kindergarten building. A few days each month they have 'stations'. These are small group activities that parents volunteer to lead. This was my first day and holy cow it was stressful. Those kindergartner's take a lot out of you.

Katie had already asked me not to tell everyone that I was her mom. She said it would be way too embarrassing. Too bad! The teacher who introduced me made sure to point out that fact. :) So in the first group I lead (I lead 2), Katie sat in back and didn't raise her hand for anything. I had to call on her. But she did say I could come and volunteer again.

The good thing is that they already have all the supplies and activities lined up for you. I was assigned to teach a couple card games to the kids. We read a story about winter, talked about outside activities, inside activities and some fun things to pass the time in the winter...hence the card games. They were pretty simple games - war and old maid. (Of course you can't call them that...the PC names for the games were Top One and All But One. Yeah, I threw those out the window and went with War and Old Maid.)

After school I asked Katie if she thought I did a good job.
"Well, it went a LOT better than I thought it would go." said Katie.

"Well thanks. I was pretty nervous!" I answered back.

"Yeah. Me too. I thought for sure you'd mess it up."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is just too funny !!! G. Lyla