Thursday, January 28, 2010

YAY! Someone is reading me!
The blog world is full of 'awards' for different blogs. This is my first, and I'd like to thank all the little people that make my blog what it is. (That'd be the ACTUAL little people kids.) Anyway, thanks to Shelley Bakes for passing this to me. If you have a moment, check her out...she's yummy.

This award comes with instructions, which are as follows:

1. Post the award on your blog. Present this award to seven others whose blogs you find brilliant in content and/or design, or those who have encouraged you.
2. Tell those seven people they've been awarded HONEST SCRAP, inform them of these guidelines, and ask that they link back to you.
3. Share TEN HONEST THINGS about yourself.

Hmmm...10 honest things, ok. I'll give it a go...gonna try and make them ones not everyone knows.

1. I color my hair. I do. Can't deny it. It's not a drastic change from my natural, just a something with a bit more kick. I've colored my hair on and off for the past 14 years and don't have any reason to stop.

2. The only reason I attend church is because of my aunt Carol. She is my Dad's sister and passed away last May. She was very big into the church and took me every Sunday when I was younger, sometimes kicking and screaming. So now, I don't go to church to feel closer to God, I go to feel closer to Carol, which I do.

3. I don't like chocolate. I can eat a candy bar, but that's about it. I don't want cake, ice cream, brownies, etc. This weekend I got peanut butter bars with chocolate frosting on them. I cut off the frosting and just eat the peanut butter part. Some consider that blasphemy.

4. If I had a million dollars and there was no risk and no recovery time, I'd get a boob job. Sorry, I just would....probably. When it comes right down to it, I spose I would chicken out. However, I like to imagine a boob job.

5. I'm a stay-at-home mom right now, but when Will is old enough to go to school I'd like at least a part-time job and that scares the hell out of me. I'm scared that after 7-8 years of being a full-time mommy I no longer have the traits employers are looking for. I'm not 'in demand'. So these days I'm trying to buff up my resume with volunteer work when I can.

6. My husband and I are in agreement that we are done having kids. Two is a great number. But....we have both admitted that there are days when we could be talking into another. (For the record, he admitted this before I did.)

7. I used to smoke. It's hands-down the stupidest decision I ever made, but at the time I was too young and invincible to care. I smoked for about 7 years and quit once we decided we wanted to have kids. There are days I wish I had a cigarette. About once a year I'll get the opportunity to have a couple puffs and they almost take me down. Can't comprehend how I used to do that every day.

8. I was in a bad relationship when I was much younger, not very healthy, not gonna go into details. Over the last year I've really been able to let go of the anger I carried around because of that. No longer holding grudges against that person and it's a very nice feeling.

9. I can wiggle my eyes. I don't know how else to explain it. I'll show you sometime if you're interested. People used to get weirded out.

10. I love summertime...I'll even take springtime. Round about this time of year I start to get itchy for spring...but really longing for summer. It's never long enough, I never get everything done I want to do, never get to the park enough, etc. But I wouldn't want to live in a place where the seasons don't really change at all. I think I would take things for granted. It's good to lose summertime too so that you'll notice when it comes back.

I don't read a LOT of blogs, so I can't pass this on to 7 other people because I just don't have that I'm just doing one.
I'm passing this award and instructions on to....

Heather and Drew Just 4 Alicia


Shelley Kubitz Mahannah said...

Dude - I so need to watch you wiggle your eyes. I don't ever remember seeing you do that.

I can honestly say that I learned some stuff I never knew about you today. :)

Heather said...

How fun. Thanks! I will have to do this later this evening after Alicia goes to bed. By the way, we really do enjoy reading your blog and being able to stay in touch!