Tuesday, January 11, 2011

In need of your opinion

One of my New Year's Resolutions was to try to find some part time work this year.  It's not really for the financial need, but more of my way to slooooowly work myself back into "work" life.  I've been a stay at home mom for almost 6 1/2 years.  That's my longest career so far.  The thought of going back to work full time in a couple years gives me the shakes.  Will I be able to compete for a job?  Will I be able to give as much at work as I did before kids?  How do you balance it all?

Ok - that's a few years out....when both kids are in school every day.  For now - I've got a job offer that's as part-time as I want it to be.  A family is in need of someone to help care for and be a companion for their mother who lives in an assisted living facility nearby.  At first they needed someone 3-4 hours a day.  Right now, this won't work for me because I made it clear that Will will be coming along and he could do 2 hours, but not 3.  We decided that we should try it out for an hour, 3-4 times a week. 

Right now the facility sends over a nurse daily, but it's someone different each day and it's getting frustrating for their mother to have to start from square one every time someone comes in their home.  She'd rather have a visit from someone she has a relationship with.  I can do this...I think.  And it will be a trial run to see how it works for everyone.  I'm told the mother is a bit hard to get along with.....that could come from the frustration of not having reliable help.....or not. :)

So, we have set up a meeting to see how we like each other.  We'll see how this goes.  After all, if you don't like my kids - you won't like me either.  He said she is excited to meet me.

So, I guess I'm looking for a word of encouragement.  3-4 hours a week might not seem like much of a change, but it still makes my heart speed up....and another resolution was that I was going to be more accepting of change.  Worst case scenario - it doesn't work out and they find someone else.  Best case - it's an extra $150-$200 a month.

Ugh - I just have so much anxiety about it!  Relax.  It's a small step.  Right??


Anonymous said...

It ought to be interesting... easing into it might be best for all concerned.

good luck


Anonymous said...

This sounds good. Reminds me of when you would visit Carol and Margaret.

After all - that's a pretty little girl, she must be related to me.

Sharing life and providing continuity are good things.


Anonymous said...

Happy 3.5 yr birthday to Will!