Wednesday, January 9, 2013

First night of hockey

Nope, no pictures.  Sorry.  I was too busy trying to prevent teeth from getting knocked out.  Actually, the kids did a great job - no one got hurt.  A few fell down, but there were no tears, except for a little boy on our team anytime the other team would score a goal.  At the end of the "game" he even slammed his stick down on the ground and screamed (through tears) "I'm not playing anymore!"

Hope he develops a better attitude, otherwise it's gonna be a long 6 weeks.

Will had a blast, got to hit the puck in the game a few times and ran like crazy.  We work on "skills" and stick handling the first 30 minutes and then the last 30 minutes is a scrimmage with the green team.  Next week I have to teach Katie's church class so John is going to coach.  Originally, it was going to be John's deal, but it's hard with his schedule to assume that he can be home by 6 every Wednesday night.  So on those nights, the kids get me.  Poor things.

It's a rec center program, so it's run by a few workers there and volunteer parents who can help out.  By noon yesterday no parent had come forward on out team to coach.  There were 4 kids on the team (now there are 5), and 2 of them are twins.  Maybe I'm crazy, but if your children make up almost half of the team - you should try to coach.  And believe me, there were PLENTY of parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles sitting in the stands tonight. 

On a brighter note, I worked out today!  It wasn't much, but I do feel better - as I knew I would.  Running outside right now is out of the question on so many levels, and getting to the treadmill in the basement for 30 minutes while the dog barks upstairs isn't enjoyable.  So I printed of some daily workouts from Pintrest, and I did one.  It only took about 15 minutes, and wasn't anything special, but I was able to fit it into the time I had today.  I did get out for 3 walks, like we usually do - but I don't feel like I can count them because the pace is quite slow - not because of me or the dog, but because of the 3 year old that is usually puttering along with us. 

On a not-so-bright note, I can't stop biting the side of my tongue today!  Have you even done that?  It catches on the side of your teeth while you are talking or eating and then develops a little bump that swells a bit, well that just means it's easier to bite the next time, and the next time, and the next time, ugh.  It hurts!

Ok - I want to stay positive.  Tomorrow is Thursday - a trip to the vet, hopefully a trip for an oil change, a puppy class and knitting 101.  I hope my brain can grasp something beyond the idea of crocheting.    Oh, and it's going to be warm again....well, 30 or so. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as much as I enjoy watching hockey..I don't know if I like the idea of Will being a "hockey player" they can be really mean!! he's too sweet to be that mean :)
