Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Crazy thoughts

As readers of this blog you should know that you are very lucky that I don't write my posts while I'm on the treadmill.  Not only would it be difficult to balance the computer on the arm rests - it would be filled with rants of nonsense.  Seriously, my thought patterns are so "off" when my heartbeat is above 150.  Mostly my thoughts center around math and equations relating to speed, lap time, mph, etc.  Ok, if I increase my speed .5 mph, that would decrease my lap time by X and improve my 3 mile time by Y.....on the other hand, if I walk for 2 minutes at this speed, and then run for an extra lap, would it end up giving me the same time......and so one, and so on.  I literally drive myself crazy....but then my heartbeat comes back down and I think normal thoughts like I have to remember to set up a fan in the basement, and geez I should maybe start running in shorts instead of yoga pants. 

On a bright note - I moved onto Week 5 of the training schedule - remember, the one with the big jump to running 2 miles?  Well, I decreased my speed from 6.7 to 6.2 and I felt a lot better running for three 5 minute intervals.  I even felt like 8 minutes may just be possible.  At the end of 26 minutes though - I ended up going 2.25 miles instead of my usual 2.5....but that will get better too. 

The schedule lets you choose whether you measure yourself by distance or time.  Like I said - I do time cuz it's easier to keep track keeps moving at the same pace, even if you slow down. :)  But I try to cover their suggested distance or even more.  During the walking periods for example, they tell you to walk 1/4 mile or 3 minutes.  I walk at 4.3 mph and that's a pretty decent speed walk for me - pumping my arms, etc.  However - at that speed I'm doing a quarter mile in about 3 and a half minutes - not 3 minutes.  Sooo....I SHOULD be walking at a speed of 5 mph.  But I think that's crazy!  (And only for people with long legs.)  

Obviously the two measurements aren't necessarily even related - they are just 2 separate ways to measure.  If you run for 5 minutes....walk for 3.  If you ran for 1/2 mile - walk for 1/4 mile.  But like I said - I do a lot of math on the treadmill and I compare the two.  Will I ever run a whole mile without stopping?  Yes.  I'm confident I'll get back to that.  Will I ever run 2 miles without stopping?  I don't know - it would be nice.  But I'm trying to stay in the mindset of just getting the miles done one way or another, even if there's walking involved. 

So it appears some of my treadmill thoughts HAVE leaked onto the blog.  I guess you guys aren't as lucky as I thought you were.  Sarah - maybe I DO need to do your calculus homework....I may need an outlet.

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