Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Running program

It's been a few weeks since I've been back at the running thing and I wanted to share with you the schedule I'm on to get your feedback.  I found this 5k training schedule at

It's a 9 week program and I am currently in the middle of week 4, so pretty much smack dab in the middle.  I feel like I'm at the point I was a few months ago, and just can't seem to push myself past this point.  Does that make sense?  They give you the option of measuring your runs by time or distance....I chose time because I go further/longer, and it's just easier to measure.

Here's what they suggest:  (I'll be honest.....I skipped ahead and started with week 2)

Week 1 (same all week): 5 min warm up walk first
                                       60 seconds of jogging
                                       90 seconds of walking
                                       Alternate for 20 minutes

Week 2 (same all week): 5 min warm up walk first
                                       90 seconds of jogging
                                       2 minutes of walking
                                       Alternate for 20 minutes

Week 3 (same all week): 5 minute warm up walk first
                                       90 seconds of jogging
                                       90 seconds walking
                                       3 minutes jogging
                                       3 minutes walking
                                       Repeat  (90-90-3-3)

Week 4 (same all week): 5 minute warm up walk first
                                       3 minutes jogging
                                       90 seconds walking
                                       5 minutes jogging
                                       2 1/2 minutes walking
                                       3 minutes jogging
                                       90 seconds walking
                                       5 minutes jogging

Week 5 (day1): 5 minute walk              (day 2):   5 minute walk     
                          5 minutes jog                    8 minutes jog             
                          3 minutes walk                  5 minutes walk            
                          5 minutes jog                    8 minutes jog               
                          3 minutes walk
                          5 minutes jog
               (day 3): 5 minute walk
                            Jog 2 miles (20 minutes) with no walking

Week 6 (day 1): 5 minute walk     (day2): 5 minute walk         
                      5 minutes jog               10 minutes jogging              
                      3 minutes walk             3 minutes walking               
                      8 minutes jog               10 minutes jogging             
                      3 minutes walk
                      5 minutes jog

               (day3): 5 minute walk
                           Jog 2 1/4 miles (25 minutes) with no walking

Week 7 (same all week): 5 minute walk
                                       Jog 2.5 miles or 25 minutes
                                       with no walking

Week 8 (same all week): 5 minute walk
                                       Jog 2.75 miles or 28 minutes
                                       with no walking

Week 9 (same all week): 5 minute walk
                                       Jog 3 miles or 30 minutes
                                       with no walking I said, I'm in week 4 and happy.  I hit the 2 mile mark at about 23 minutes in...puts me just a little behind the pace of last summer/fall.  BUT did you check out week 5?????  It seems like a BIG jump to go from running 1 - 8 minute chunk to running 20 minutes with no stops.  I spose I'll just slow my pace way down and give it a try....but I don't know.  Right now I run around 6.5 - 6.7 mph.  I don't want to go slower than 6 mph.   Maybe I'm crunching the numbers too much.  But doesn't that seem like an odd jump when the program hasn't even asked me to run ONE mile yet?

I don't know - maybe there's a miracle waiting happen next week.  Maybe that's the mental part of running that I can't seem to conquer yet.


Katie said...

How do you feel during/after the workout?

I'm doing something similar for training my running part of the tri...and I also go running with my 3.5 year old...cause he paces pretty

Deb said...

Katie - I feel relieved after the workout. :) The last 3 minutes SUCK, but I know that if I don't push myself - if I hold back, slow up, whatever - I'll feel rotten after the I didn't achieve enough, ya know? So I'm pushing through it right now. I'm supposed to move onto week 5 of Friday.....and I may...and then just hang out there for a few workouts before moving on to "Day 2" of week 5. I think I need a bit of a longer stretch to build up.

And for me, running on a treadmill bites. I always seem to run better outside, which is why I'd like to try it outside this weekend and see what my pace is like. Some people just run to run, but I'm the kind of person that needs #'s...I need measurement to see I'm improving. :) And good for you making kid #2 run with you! He'll be ready for a kid's fun run race this summer!

Katie said...

I hadn't thought of a kids fun race--that's a great idea! :)

I'm glad you feel relieved! :)

Drew Kluesner said...

yeah.. a signficant jump from week 4 to week 5... but if you can do 5 miles, you should be able to just keep on trucking... :)

You can do it.. keep at it.