Saturday, October 11, 2008

And I almost forgot...

I was going to add this to the last post and forgot...
Katie had a new play date last week with another classmate. She spent 3 hours with her friend Ben at his home. She was in class with Ben last year, so they know each other pretty well and are good friends. I dropped Katie off to play - yep that's right - I didn't have to attend this 'date!' It was great to have an extra morning to run errands with only 1 child.
Ben has a little brother Drew who is about 5 months older than Will, and completely adorable. Katie loved their house and when it came time to leave I literally dragged her screaming to the car - very embarrassing. We promised to play with Ben again at our house. That seemed to make her feel better, but she REALLY liked Ben's house because they had an inflatable castle to jump in in their basement. :) The only thing her and Will were unsure about was the dog. They love dogs - if they are on the other side of a glass door (like the ones we see outside)...or if they are being held across the room...or if they are so well trained that they don't move when told to sit (like our friends' dog, Stanley).
Anyway, Ben's dog was named Jackson and was an 8 year old Boxer. (Very cute!) I guess I should add that Katie and Will now will put up with older dogs. This dog was sweet and barely moved...unless it was to lick Will's hand.

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