Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Will's 15 month checkup

Today we went in to the dr. for Will's 15 month checkup. He weighed in at just over 24 pounds (55th %) and he was 32 inches long ( 70th %). Basically he has grown an inch and gained a pound in the last 3 months. I think Katie grew more than an inch in the last 3 months....

He did great for his shots - they were no big deal to him. His doctor and I brainstormed a few ideas about how to get him to sleep better at night, but when he looked at Will's teeth, the dr. figured that they were probably causing some discomfort at night. She rarely sees all 4 18 month molars coming at the same time...which Will's are. And each have 4 points that have to break through the skin and until they are all through, it can be painful. So we'll take our time a bit more and work on really getting the sleep thing down in the 2 weeks or so. Just in time for the clocks to turn back...and that'll screw us up again. :) It really makes us realize how spoiled we were with Katie and what a great sleeper she was and still is.
There is no more school the rest of the week here in MN. We had a neighbor girl come over this afternoon so she could meet Betty, the fish. Turns out today was her 12th birthday! She has agreed to feed Betty for Katie while we are in IA for the long weekend. If we were just going to be gone for 2 days I think we could skip the feeding, but 3 days may just be too much, so we asked her to do it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pretty much figured he was getting teeth and that's why the pain would wake him up. That too shall pass! Gotta go play poker at Mulligan's tonite with Troendle's, Wicks,Rathburn and Angel. TO KATIE:
Grandma is so waiting for you to get here, Where are you? Stop at Huba when you get to town or they will wonder where I am and not go to sleep! O.K.? Love ya, Mom