Friday, October 3, 2008

Political Storm

It seems to be everywhere you look, so why not here too. It's no secret that I am a supporter of Obama/Biden. After the entertaining debate last night I feel even more secure in that decision. Sarah Palin's voice, fake smile and boring cliches are like nails on a chalkboard. We seem to be living in a McCain neighborhood - every house that has a sign in it's yard is a McCain sign...all but 2. After Tuesday night it was all but 1.
Our neighbors across the street erected a nice Obama sign a few weeks ago right by the flower bed in their front yard. I was relieved to see it. On Wednesday after I had picked Katie up from school and was pulling into our driveway I noticed that it wasn't there. I got a chance to talk to them yesterday and ask what happened. Turns out someone took it. They think it was some homecoming high school pranksters that not only possibly took their sign, but also toilet papered 2 houses on our street. Our neighbors have more signs ordered through the area DFL, but aren't sure when they are going to arrive.

On a brighter note, Katie doesn't have school today. Will still has his gym class, so Katie is going to accompany us to that. We'll see how that goes...she won't be able to play today since it's a class for 14-24 month olds. I told her that she could take pictures of Will's class, so if any of them turn out I'll share them with you this weekend.
Then, since it's supposed to be a sunny afternoon with no wind, we will try the apple orchard.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you about Sarah Palin, I truely think everything about her is fake, she makes me quinge when she speaks, and McCain, well he is just not what we need, to me he is also a fake, I want the election over already, I cannot stand to hear either one of them speak,
Hope Katie takes good pics of her brother, can not wait to see them.
